21 October 2009


*SIGH* Roman Polanski . . what to do, what to do . . ?
I suppose we've all heard about Mr. Polanski and his legal troubles involving his sexual misconduct. Many of us here in the states want to lock him up - the dirty bastard, for rape - and throw away the key. The guy is 77 years old people. Hasn't anyone heard of 'Statute of Limitations'? It's been an awful long time now, and I think they have long since expired. From what I remember, the only time they do not, is when murder is involved. Now I am not sure if that applies to rape, but one thing I am fairly sure of, is that Mr. Polanski is'nt even guilty of that. Sexual misconduct has dozens of analogues, from mild to severe. Also, I am not absolutely sure of whether or not he was tried in absentia. That would obviously make things a tad different . . .
There are, however, a couple of things that I am sure of. One of them is that Roman Polanski is from Europe, and they do things a bit differently over there. Ahh, those Europeans . . .
Samantha Geimer was only 13 years of age back in 1977, on that fateful night when she found herself partying with her girlfriends at the home of Mr. Jack Nicholson up there in the Hollywood Hills; a couple of L.A. kids - 'aspiring model slash actresses' - if you know what I mean - getting their 'big chance', if you wanna look at it that way (and I could argue that they did) - hanging out with real movie stars and stuff . . .
I wonder where and what her parents thought their 13 year old daughter was doing that night. Maybe she told them she was at a slumber party at her girlfriends house? Who knows . . .
One thing I do know is that these 'aspiring model/actresses' - who, by the way, had never really acted a day in their lives, nor did any real modeling to speak of - at 13 years of age, certainly did not look like they were 13, and I bet you a week's dinners that they didn't admit to their true ages either. In fact, I bet you they had on a bunch of makeup and were dressed quite provocatively, far beyond the way any 13 year old should ever dress . .
How much you wanna bet?
I wouldn't doubt if they were carrying fake I.D's with them as well.
Now what did these little girls think they were really doing, or even getting themselves into, when they decided to go hang out with Mr. Jack Nicholson and Mr. Polanski, up at Jack's house, at night, by themselves? I mean, these guys are certainly no Mr. Brad Pitt and George Clooney - if you know what I mean.
Let me just put it out there - there's about a 100% probability rate that these girls were lying about their ages. I wonder how old they tried to pass themselves off as? 18? Maybe 16 or 17? Certainly not 21. Anyway, they didn't need to . . .
If I'm not mistaken, the 'age of consent' was 16 in California at the time in question. That means it was perfectly legal for the 43 year old Polanski to be with a 16 year old intimately, despite whether or not it was politically correct.
If one can remember that far back, Quaaludes were all the rage back in the 70's. 'Everyone' was doing them. Now something else tells me those little girls were up for just about anything, anything that involved partying with movie stars/celebrities.
I wouldn't doubt if they were more than happy, these so-called model/actreeses, to plop a yellowjacket, or whatever they were called, into their mouths, in the hopes that it would find favor with their new famous friends . . .
Or maybe even to alleviate the pain of intercourse, especially that of an anal nature.
Back to Polanski and his European-ness. That's the thing in Europe, from what I hear. Anal sex. Especially when you are, or when you are with, either someone who is young, and doesn't want to technically 'lose their virginity', or if you are with someone who does not wish to get pregnant, whether or not it is because there is no condom present - or all of the above.
Anal sex has been very popular with those eccentric 'Europeans' for quite some time now.
But oh - Not so much with us Americans over here. Here we call it Sodomy, and many of us find it downright disgusting. Though lately it seems to have found acceptance with many open minded folk, it certainly was not the case back in 1977.
Even right now in some states it is illegal, even between consenting married adults in the privacy of their own homes.
I really don't want everyone thinking I love this guy or anything. I don't. But there is a simple fact we really should be aware of, before we hang him out with the wash, lock him up, and throw away the key. There is always two sides to every story. Two sides to every coin. And things certainly are not always as they may seem. And one certainly should not believe everything that they hear on the six o'clock news . . . the sad thing is that I feel I need to remind everyone of that very simple fact, in this day and age . . .
This little girl, Samantha Geimer, apparently didn't like it in the bum. Even with the alleged champagne that was 'forced' upon her (cough), and the 'Lude she took . . .
Or was there something else to the story? Maybe so, because from what I've heard, Ms. Geimer isn't even pressing charges.
Though I will say right here, Polanski was an absolute idiot to think this girl, or any American girl, for that matter, would like a stiff one up the bum from HIM, no matter who he was or what money or friends he had or whatever. He must've known that whatever sexual, intimate relations he was to have with any attractive young women were certainly not because he was the next underwear model for Calvin Klein. On the contrary; whatever transpired, I'm sure he was aware of the fact that it was always more 'business' than pleasure, as far as the female was concerned, when it came to 'sleeping' with him . . .
Now from the looks of it, that 'Lude didn't wear off fast enough, and when young Miss Geimer walked, stumbled I mean, into her house - her parent's house - the next morning, at some ungodly hour - considering the fact that she hadn't slept yet - the folks had a hissy fit. Bigtime . . .
"Where the hell do you think you're going young lady?!" "You had better explain right now!"
So she's sitting at the kitchen table, still very drunk, wasted actually, from the champagne and Quaalude, trying to explain what happened, talking about "movie star this, movie star that", and "hollywood hills" and "sodomy" and "famous people", then you know what? you know what I'm thinking? Movie stars, famous people, getting my daughter drunk, goddammit, and -
SEX! . . . .
"Someone's going to $pay$ for this, one way or another . . !!!"
And there begins the real troubles for Roman Polanski. The police are called, and the rest is history . . .
Now let's see - if Mr. Polanski had resembled Mr. Brad Pitt a bit more, and hadn't chosen to do it 'in the bum' - I wonder if all of this would have transpired the way it did, considering the girl most likely said she was at least 16 . . ?
Well, it would have and it wouldn't have . . .
It would have because even if it was $Brad$, he's still a movie star, and he is rich. And the parents are still going after him, whether or not the girl wants to, because they see money there, and lots of it. What most likely would've happened is that it would've been settled out of court, with Mr. Pitt paying to the tune of a few million to keep it all hush hush. And that would be the end of it. A little bump in the road that he could get past . . .
But no.It didn't happen that way. It was Roman Polanski, a cross between Lyle Lovett and Phil Spector, lol, though he probably wasn't so much so when he was younger. That, and . . it was Sodomy . . the big 'S' . . .
I cannot recall the way it was presented in the media at the time; I was only nine years old, four years younger than Samantha was then. But I am quite sure it was not pretty; it was most likely damning, and scathing, and scandalous, and rife with eternal condemnation . . toward this eccentric, homely european guy who was kinda hard up, and got a little bit too drunk with the wrong girl, a girl who, again, certainly implied that she was older than she really was.
People, we are in the middle of two WARS right now, illegal WARS of occupation. Thousands of our kids are coming home dead or with no arms and legs all the time. This country is in the middle of a financial collapse. We are facing a massive worldwide Pig Flu scare; a Pig Flu that that has its origins in a laboratory . . think about it . . .
The government would prefer to have us focused on Richard Heene, the nut case, child abuser, father of 'balloon boy', and Roman Polanski, the deranged child rapist, than on the truly important issues facing our nation and the world.
My point is, I don't think that girl came home crying "rape" whatsoever. I don't even think she said "no" to Mr. Polanski. Now she might've whimpered "it hurts" a little, but hey, it was her 'first time', and anyway, that's what the champagne and the lude was for. In actuality, it probably didn't hurt that much. She most likely felt a little more 'dirty' and embarrassed, along with hung over, than anything else, and this witch hunt was really the doing of the parents and now the police and media, along with the enraged american public, knowing only the side of the story that the police wants us to know. But my question is, what do we really know? I think much of the truth of that night has been omitted . . .
People try to say Mr. Polanski has been 'in exile' for all these years. People, he has most certainly not - you can only be 'in exile' from your own country. He's not from this country. He hasn't been in exile from anything. The news is trying to present his 'capture' as something that happened because he was coming into Switzerland to receive an award. People, he owns and has owned a Swiss villa for a good many many years now. Why, all of a sudden, do you think the Swiss authorities have decided to pick him up? I can tell you why. Because the U.S. has somehow influenced their action, upon this most 'neutral' of countries. I wonder what they did to get the Swiss to act on this. We'll probably find out at some point. But what I am sure of is that they needed another distraction, so we are not thinking about the One World Government that our regime's Dear Leaders are cooking up as we speak; so we are not thinking of the thousands of kids coming home in bodybags from Iraq and Afghanistan; so we are not thinking about the Collapse of The Dollar, The Fall of The Republic, H1N1 or its Man-Made Origins, all the FEMA camps being set up right now to hold MILLIONS of American citizens who do not comply with the New World Order and/or the Orwellian, Militarized Police State that America is becoming as you are reading this . . .
"Polanski-Balloon Boy-SwineFlu" . . "Polanski-Balloon Boy-SwineFlu" . . "Polanski-Balloon Boy-SwineFlu" . . .
We are living in a nation of very sick and lost individuals my friends. The government would have each and every one of us, I promise you, on as many pills as they can force us to stuff into our bodies each month, that they can find a name to put on whatever 'disease' they decide to say we have, that they can sell to us for a profit. They would have us be like zombies, absolutely irrelevant to society save for whatever money they can generate off of our 'sickness', and nothing more.
"Polanski-SwineFlu-BalloonBoy" . . 'Polanski-SwineFlu-BalloonBoy" . . "Polanski-SwineFlu-BalloonBoy" . . .
When are we going to try looking further, further than the mainstream media would have us look? Things are getting so crazy in this world right now. Yet there is one thing we should consider in this crazy world . . .
That it might be all an illusion. That it might be not real whatsoever. All this confusion. All this stuff we see on Television. Its not real, if we choose to not let it be. Now only if everyone could choose that as well, we might just get a bit ahead of the game. But I'm doubtful that'll happen anytime very soon. But it's going to happen at some point.
We should choose to not let ourselves be all wrapped up in the world's problems and stresses and anxieties and dramas and hatreds and lies and propagandas and illusions . . .
Our lives would then have a lot more simplicity, peace and contentment in them. And that would make us a lot more happy, I am sure. Now doesn't that sound nice?
It may not seem it sometimes, but really, life is too short to spend it hating on others. And in truth, hate really only hurts the hater. It is an unhealthy and unnecessary emotion, one that I feel the government would love us to spend all our waking moments focused on, while plopping all those meds down our throat. Now how can we be good for our children if we are walking around like hate filled zombies? Oh yeah, I remember - they want our kids to end up like this too.
"BalloonBoy-SwineFlu-Polanski" . . . "BalloonBoy-SwineFlu-Polanski" . . "BalloonBoy-SwineFlu-Polanski" . . .
Come on, folks . . Please . . .

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