13 October 2009

Reply to N.Y. Daily News - Khalid Shaikh Mohammed . . .

Confessed 9/11 mastermind? Yah right. Sure he is . . waterboard someone enough, and they'll tell you that they are your momma, and they wanna eat dog poop from now on. Look at that guy, people . . he's the mastermind of nada. I can't believe people are still rattling on about 9/11 as if 80% of the world doesn't know who the REAL perpeTRAITORS of that terrible day are. I'm pretty sure those prisoners in Guantanamo are down there, and have been down there, isolated from the rest of the world, so that whatever information they have, regarding the real TRUTH, does not get out. Gee, now I wonder why the U.S. military would not want the TRUTH about 9/11 to get out? . . hmmm . . . .

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