17 April 2010

* The So-Called U.S. 'Drug War' - Paredes Sentenced To 31 Years In Prison . . .

Hello . . Sorry folks, but I have been on vacation for the past month or so, and have been away from my computer for much of the time. I read an article yesterday in The New York Daily News, something that is becoming more of a tabloid lately than a legitimate news publication . . .
I always get upset when I read about the long failed U.S. 'Drug War' and the sordid details that make up either its history or its current events. We used to hear about Colombia - for years and years we became numb over details of 'Cocaine Cowboys', the Medellin Cartel, Pablo Escobar, The Ochoa Family, and so on. Then, realizing the american people were very aware that our Government was failing miserably in their so-called 'efforts' to do anything substantial about the 'problem', they simply shifted the focus of our attention to elsewhere. Today, 15-25 years later, that focus is Mexico - as far as this hemisphere is concerned - I won't even mention Afghanistan at this time, for the story would become too long, and I don't have that much time right now . . .
Colombia is still very much the major player it always was. Nothing has changed. But gee, isn't it a little odd, that we don't really hear much about Colombia these days? I wonder why that is . . .
Excerpt from my reply to the article I read:
Anyone who thinks that entities within the U.S. Government have ever, even once, destroyed, thrown away, or failed to turn around and distribute/traffic/sell these cocaine seizures, while making massive profits for themselves and their insidious agendas, and of course lining their filthy pockets, is a complete fool. There is at least 25 million worth of material in the above photo, and that is nothing compared to what they will see this year. Why do you think our military is really in Afghanistan, or South America? Wherever we are, it is to control and stem the flow of various natural resources - the drugs of modern society - whether it be gas or oil, cocaine or heroin - so that WE, and not someone else, might profit from it. This M.O. goes way, way back, folks, to the time of your great great grandparents; nothing has changed nor will it ever change. Each and every U.S. president in modern history has been directly and intimately involved with large scale drug trafficking in their home states and elsewhere. It puts millions of 'bad' people in prison, and creates the 'legitimate' funding of the entire infrastructure to do so, from law enforcement, to the prison system, to the court system and beyond. No one in real power here wants this to stop - otherwise they wouldn't let the drugs get into Mexico in the first place - by easily controlling the borders between South America and Central America. Instead they let it FLOW and FLOW, all the way up to the U.S./Mexico border, where the actual border is 100 times longer and much more difficult to secure. There is so much B.S. here I am getting a stomach ache just thinking about it . . . more on this soon . . .

The U.S. Drug War really isn't my favorite subject of interest these days, but I definitely shall continue to address the issue, especially as it pertains to military activities in Afghanistan and the surrounding theatre. I haven't written in a few weeks, and just needed to get warmed up again . .

Thank You ~