14 August 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
WHY is it our job...and seemingly, always, our responsibility, and obligation...to be involved, in any way at all, with the conflict in Georgia? Oh yeah, I almost forgot...It's the same old song and dance. OIL. Yes, OIL. ( Here's a lil' secret:... say something over and over and over and over again, like terrorist, insurgents, i.e.d., bomber, or, say, the word OIL, and eventually, it has no meaning anymore. means nothing. begins to go in one ear and right out the other., without stopping for a definition on the way...)Yes, once again, it is FOR THE LOVE OF OIL that the U.S. is even involved with that country to begin with. In fact lets put the cards on the table, and call it what IT IS.. It is the U.S.A., the USA, or USER, of the rest of the world and its resources, including its people, that the U.S. cloaks under the garment of ' freedom ' to infiltrate the rest of the world. Start coups, change governments,etc., etc., let us not pretend that the U.S. was not directly responsible for the breakup of the Soviet Union. Of course they were. And are. And why? Oil i.e. MONEY and POWER. Just like Kuwait was the 19th province of Iraq, Georgia was part of the U.S.S.R., which sounds a hell of a lot like the U.S.A., only in russian. Imagine, russian agents, KGB, infiltrating our country, and breaking up the U.S.A.. into smaller nations, some of which are controlled by THEM, with THEIR AGENTS in positions of executive, legislative, and judicial power.? How would we feel about that? Lemme guess. I know how I would feel. But, uh, you....You simply do not feel anything at all. Did you hear that? I said, you have been programmed to NOT FEEL, especially from the sound of mere words. Silly, don't you know that words do not actually mean anything? Idiots. Anyway, back to the subject...
Why must we have to deal with this? Why is the news media making it sound like it is our problem, and a major one at that? Why not let the U.N.. handle it? Isn't there like 190 something countries in the world? Isn't that why there is a U.N.? To intervene, to mediate, to find some way of finding a peaceful resolution to disputes, conflicts, and situations just like this one? Here's an idea...why don't we do something UNHEARD OF....why don't we stay the f%*k out of someone else's business for once, and let them handle their own affairs, work out their own problems...heck, let em' shoot each other to oblivion, if that's what is to be...or let the rest of the world fix it, after careful review and thorough consideration. Again, that is, if it is to be.....
Why should we care so much.? .I mean, don't we have enough problems? PLEASE ask yourself that. Do we not have enough shit to deal with already? Duh...lemme guess? YES, WE DO... ..
Oh ...yeah...THE OIL. That is why, it is all of a sudden our problem, the one between Russia and Georgia. But think about it for a second. Would Russia go to such great lengths as to start all this trouble, knowing how the world, in particular the U.S., would react....for no reason, for nothing ? Because it's cool? Because it sounded like a fun idea one day, and they just decided to go with it? Do any of you actually believe that anyone in our government gives A FLYING FUCK about the peace. prosperity, or the lives of Georgian, or Ukrainian, or Uzbek citizens? The answer, for those of you scratching your head, is NO...It is the oil, American money, bank accounts, and wallets. of, you know who, BushCo. and friends...the new Georgia was and basically is an invention of the U.S., as is the other ex Soviet Union states, especially the ones ending in -stan....where there are heaps and heaps of you know what...black gold, aside from Afghanistan, where WE ARE, finally, happily, IN CONTROL OF THAT countries' main product, OPIUM...you know HEROIN, and, i.e., pain meds, since that is the root of all opiate based narcotics, which, I might add, generate an AWFUL LOT OF MONEY for those who peddle in that business, i.e. the American Pharmaceutical Industry - in the world (which is a LOT of f%@&ing DRUGS), and Afghanistan controls 80% of the world's output...gee, another coincidence, isn't it? ...why again did we go into that country? To oust the Taliban? NO, NO, and NO. In fact, when the Taliban gained power, in 1999, opium production was the LOWEST in recorded history. Three years later, when we regained control, it was the HIGHEST. Do you also know that the U.S. invented the Mujaheddin? But that's another story.. Ever.Aside from dope, it was once again guess what.? 1, 2, 3, all together now...OIL! And precisely, it is just that pipeline that is running from the north to the south opf that country,. the one coming from another one of those ex soviet states, namely Uzbekistan, that, oh yeah, we have a controlling oil interest in as well. Our infiltrations in the name of freedom have been largely conceived in order to use that 'freedom' precisely for ourselves, to rape plunder, and pillage the rest of the world, its resources, and its people, i.e. take whatever the hell we want, whenever the hell we want to take it, for whatever goddamned motherf&$%ing reason we choose to invent...i.e. freedom to fuck up the rest of the world, ruin it, destroy it even, as well as our own country, and our own selves. Personally, I am sick of it. I am tired of it...I am sick and tired of it....Sick and tired of being sick and tired of it.. And, now, so is the rest of the world. I mean, who isn't? You?
And now, so is Russia. One reason, hmmm, lemme see...uh....the Georgian defense minister just happens to be a Zionist Jew. Surprised? I have to admit I was a bit when I heard it. But not a whole lot. The Israelis, if y'all didn't know, have been supplying advanced weapons, military hardware and training to the Georgian military for approximately the last 7+ years, or just about as long as BushCo. has been in power. One could even venture to say that Georgia's army is really an offshoot of the I.D.F., or the Israeli Defense Forces, as well as our own C.I.A.. Happy happy fun fun.....
We have a state named Georgia, ladies and gents. Named, surprisingly, after Georgia. Think about it. Every other state is named after an english county or town, or has adopted a spanish or french name, or finally, and thanfully, by God,has taken an indian name. Then , we have lil' ole' Georgia. I never heard of a Georgia in England, France, or Spain...have you? Has anyone given that any thought? I doubt it..People here, ignorant sheeple, I mean Americans, do not like to think any deeper than just to scratch the surface of a particular issue. Maybe they are simply not capable of it. Maybe, just maybe, the Idiot Box, the Brain Vacuum known as American Television has done so much irreparable damage to our brains, that they are beyond repair, and we are sadly beyond hope....
Or maybe the country of Georgia has been named after our Georgia...again I doubt if anyone has ever even recognized that there is such a coincidence between the name of an american and a russian state; that they both have the same name. In fact, the origin of the name is still disputed, with some saying that it comes from the Cult Of St. George, whose popularity had spread throughout the region, or on the other hand, that it comes form the name Ghurj, a Persian Empire term for the peoples that inhabited the region ( 5-600's, a.d. ), also known as Ghurjistan.
So, let's see, where are we? Oh yeah. Folks, you DO KNOW that the U.S. OWNS that country, financially, through its OIL companies, right?...I mean, what else is Georgia famous for? Their potato dumplings? Believe me, they do not contribute one iota whatsoever to the countries' annual G.D.P. Natural gas, oil products, and hydroelectric are Georgia's main source of revenue. And so, we also CONTROL that country, by proxy, using the ISRAELI MILITARY, in conjunction with our own C.I.A., I am assured....Putin & Co. have been sitting quietly, watching all this develop over the past 7+ years, and now they have decided...that they are tired of it......I know I would be...As an outside observer, I'd have been fed up with our bullshit oh , right about just after we staged the attack on Pearl Harbor, killed Kennedy, killed Martin Luther King, Invented AIDS in a military lab, staged 9-11, etc., etc.,.etc. . . ..
Remember that so-called coup several years ago in Venezuela? Oh yeah, I mean, student uprising...? Suuuuuure it was a student uprising.... more like the U.S.C.I.A.. in that country, giving money, weapons, and more military training to underground factions, in a failed attempt to overthrow that country. Let's see, altogether now: 1...2...3...FOR OIL !!! Can you believe it? Or do you just not want to?
So finally the russians are tired of the bullshit games that we have been playing in that region, and have decided to try a little game of their own....hopefully to nip this shit in the bud...so that maybe we will think next time we start supplying and training the respective militaries of the rest of the ex-soviet states, such as Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Ukraine, as well as taking political seats of power. ...just getting my thoughts out...to be continued....

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