23 August 2008


Wow...I am so happy to have just heard the news...that Sen. Joe Biden is about to receive the nomination for Vice President...what a fantastic decision Obama has made...!!!
I have always been a big fan of Mr. Biden, and I was quite disappointed when he did not do much better in the primaries, much less receive the nomination for Prez.
I have been a bit worried about Obama lately as regards his chances now that his numbers have apparently slipped from where they were a couple of months ago...the number that the powers that be/ the media has been doing on him is disgusting...twisting this whole thing around, somehow putting McCain on a pedestal and making him seem like The Chosen One; much better than Obama could ever be, especially in the areas of national security....the surge, the surge, and more of the surge...I sincerely hope the american public is as sick and tired of hearing this same old crap over and over as I am....tunnel vision one track mind ... an insult to our intelligence, saber rattling and all.... nothing is changing with this man...it's safe to say i strongly dislike the man...
He doesn't even know how many houses he owns...
Biden will, as he has already been, a great asset to the operation of this nation.
No doubt McCain will try to pull a fast one, somehow coming up with that female midwest governor, if not Romney or Jindal, to offset gender-wise or age-wise his own shortcomings in those respective areas...
All I can say is...Do Not Trust John McCain...
I shall honestly say a prayer for the success of Obama and McCain , and if they do not make it to the white house...I will be very afraid for the near term future of this country. Very afraid.

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