23 August 2008

They are saying that Biden does not represent in any way Obama's motto of change, since, after all, he has spent the last 35 years in Washington, most of that time as a senator...that he is exactly The Opposite of what Obama is preaching. but there is always two sides to a coins, two sides to every story...
As I see it, Mr. Biden is in the perfect position to affect change in this country. There is a popular Buddhist precept, and it goes something like: ' One cannot know the value of peace unless one has lived through the war '...
In this sense, it is Joe Biden who knows intimately the inner workings of Washington, The White House, the way the world works, etc...and, after so much time observing, learning, working, and communicating with the leaders of american and foreign government, I am confident it is precisely He who knows how to bring the change we all need. It is his lifelong dedication to public service and his experience that has earned the respect of his colleagues in the senate, the members of Congress, the American public, and those abroad....as Obama said...a Statesman. And I wholeheartedly agree. He may not be the perfect public speaker that Obama seems to be, but he is genuine and honest. To me, that is everything. Should he be something else?
To watch Barack speak is an immense pleasure. To observe a man, especially one of african-american descent, speak as he does, brings joy to my heart. This man says exactly what needs to be said, when it needs to be said. And he RARELY refers to cue cards. That's huge. The words are there, already, in perfect position, in the man's head. But more importantly, it is his heart that is in the right place. It is together, the heart and the mind, of Senator Obama, that is working so perfectly in harmony, synchronistically, that makes everything this man says come out better than anyone else since Kennedy, in my opinion.
It is not surprising that the man is African-American. Not in the least. It is this I feel, along with the qualities and values and feelings that his race brings to the table, that gives him the ability to ' straight talk ' the issues in ways a white man could not. His opponents only wish they could be him, could speak as he does, as real as he does. That is precisely it: Real Talk. Thats what Barack gives us, and that is what we all need right now. Its what the world needs. No more bullshit. Because that is all we have been fed for the last eight years. And we have been eating it up, happily, since day one. Now, if 9-11 had never happened, it most likely wouldn't have gone down the way it did.
Anyway, back to the point...it is these feelings, such as anger, frustration, courage, determination, strength, being fed up, being sick and tired of being sick and tired, feelings the African-American people can easily identify with, real feelings, deep rooted and true, that gives Barack such an eloquence of thought and speech, that if you are really listening to what the candidates have to say, there is hardly any way you can possibly believe in your heart that McCain is truly the better choice for Prez....unless, of course, you are racist, or financially dependent on the G.O.P. i.e. in the pocket of....
Biden said something about ' it is not a position that is suited well to on-the-job training '...or something to the like...
For some reason people are wanting the potential president to already know how to be president. WTF !!!??? Where else has this happened? IT DOESN'T. Unless you are living in a monarchy,which this is not. It is as if we are afraid that the prez-elect doesn't have enough experience...experience doing what? being president? of course he doesn't!! Why should he? Being president IS an on-the-job training gig. Like being a parent. If you haven't done it before, you do it on the guidance of others who have. people who have more knowledge and experience than you...
Do people really feel safer voting for McCain, simply because he has so-called 'experience '? Experience doing what? getting shot down on his second or third day in action and being a prisoner for five years? That is his experience? give me a break.
Just as Bush, the blubbering idiot, did what needed to be done when it needed to be done, regardless of whether or not the choices were good or not, Obama will do what he needs to do, when he needs to do it, at appropriate time and place. It is because of exactly WHO the next president chooses to surround himself with. And I am sure that Sen. Obama will have the best advisers, and will appoint the best people to positions in the Cabinet that he can find...
If Obama does not get elected, the rest of the world will once and for all know for sure that either Americans are completely retarded, or, the elections are , as they have been the last couple of times for sure and also in the past, completely fixed...by the real Evil Doers, those puppet masters, who do, and always have been ,secretly pulling the strings behind the scenes in our government...more.....

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