24 January 2010


ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS. BUT ALSO TRULY SICK AND SAD - We are to continue believing this garbage?? People are still trying to push THE MASSIVE LIE and FRAUD that is this campaign against old BUSH FAMILY FRIEND/CIA-TRAINED ASSET OSAMA BIN LADEN? Just so they can hope to continue to receive some puny measure of public $upport$ for their heightened WAR ON TERROR/WAR ACTIONS/OCCUPATION/WAR MACHINE/MURDER in Iraq and Afghanistan?? They must be getting ready to ask Congress for another 300 BILLION for the coming year - or maybe the next three months - or planning a new offensive - I think I heard OSAMA has been hiding in IRAN - Yeah, that's it - IRAN . . and that they now have good intelligence that shows it, too! PEOPLE - IF THE MAN WERE ALIVE TODAY, WHICH HE IS NOT, HAVING NOW PASSED AWAY MANY YEARS AGO (LATE 2001/EARLY 2002, from severe kidney complications/cancer - from an intentionally botched surgery at a U.S. military hospital in May of 2001) - HE WOULD BE GREATLY INSULTED THAT HIS NAME WAS EVEN ASSOCIATED IN ANY WAY WITH SUCH AN INSIGNIFICANT, FAILED, and PATHETIC ACT. WHAT HAPPENED ON CHRISTMAS DAY WAS A CIA OP - PLAIN AND SIMPLE - A FALSE FLAG EVENT - DO SOME STUDYING - LOOK AROUND - DO YOUR RESEARCH - AND NEVER, EVER BELIEVE WHAT THE MAJOR MEDIA IS ATTEMPTING TO SHOVE DOWN YOUR GULLIBLE, NAIVE, and 'BELIEVE ANYTHING THEY SAY' THROATS, IN REGARDS TO THE 'WAR ON TERROR/AL-QAIDA OR BIN LADEN'. FOLKS - IF THERE ARE ANY OF YOU STILL OUT THERE, WITH SOME SENSE AND HALF A BRAIN - MAYBE YOU WILL DO SOME INDEPENDENT RESEARCH ON YOUR OWN (that's why GOD CREATED THE INTERNET, PEOPLE - NO, IT WASN'T FOR KIDDIE PORN.) - WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO, ON A MONUMENTAL, MASSIVE AND BIBLICAL SCALE, AND 9-11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB (JUST FOR STARTERS) - THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG, FOLKS . . .

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