27 September 2009

* vow * (with fingers crossed behind back)

okay, so i promise - and i really dislike making promises, but/because when i don't live up to them i really really dislike the feeling of having somehow 'lied' - i am going to start posting here again on a regular schedule - somewhat often basis here from now on, as of today, the end of september 09. with the current state of the nation, and the world as it is today, i truly think things are about to ratchet up a notch in terms of the type of news, ideas, and philisophica that are right up my alley. therefore i expect having much to say in the coming 36 months. normally i have preferred the back and forth style of dialogue/debate, and this is one of the, if not the main reason why i have spent most of my time in/on/at other sites and forums, and not much time in here. but for the sake of history and posterity, i think i'd fare better with a single location where i can keep most of my ramblings, after now noticing the great deal of substantial work that has simply been lost forever; hopefully at some point in the near or distant future they might be organized and compiled, and turned into manna for the drought-stricken, spiritually anorexic masses . . .

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