30 January 2009

been a while . . .

Forgive me, but it has been some time since I have written last. I have experienced the death of a close family member, dealt with another who is addicted to drugs, and as an american, have been dealing with the whirlwind of confusion and mayhem surrounding the new executive administration of the nation, not to mention the doldrums of a new england winter, which has been quite harsh this year so far. . .
so, for now, I am here to let you know that I am focusing my train of thought, trying to get back on track mentally and emotionally, and have plans of getting it all out on these pages in the near term, meaning sometime soon. On top of all of this I have been traveling from the east coast to the west and back, and from the north to the south and back. A lot has gone on in the last few months, along with computer problems, and these are my excuses/reasons for abandoning my blog for almost four months now . . . I have a lot to say; I am just fine tuning some of the details, like where I should start, and what subject takes priority over what subject . . . more to come soon, and thank you for your patience . . .

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