12 September 2008


Its sad...I am getting worried, afraid that McCain could actually win this thing. I feel, that it is quite possible that Americans have become so jaded . as I have stated before...words don't really mean anything anymore anyway, do they? What is a president? He is someone who simply presides...sits over something...really not much at all, in the big scheme of things, especially when the House and Senate are of a different party. What can he do? Really change things? The idea is laughable. the Puppet Masters will always be the Puppet Masters...and those Pulling The Strings will always be just that, regardless of whoever is 'presiding' over whatever, whenever....
Even myself...I find myself seriously considering voting for McCain/Palin, simply because McCain has devoted his whole life to public service, is getting old, and should be rewarded somehow, and because Palin is a woman, is attractive, and is halfway intelligent., and I am so happy to see a woman on the ticket. That is Real change, for a change, in one sense...
After all, they are just puppets anyway, not the masters...and never will be...
Fuck it....Long Live President Sarah Palin !!! ...lol...
At this point in history, all a President needs to have is a sincere desire to do what is good, and right, for the country...all He or She has to do is know right from wrong. It's as simple as that. Forget 'experience', or 'foreign policy', etc...as stated above, Those who are Really controlling the world will move it in the direction they want to, accomplish what they desire, whether or not who they want in office actually makes it there(though they usually do)...
On the one hand, I now find myself unhappy that Obama did not choose Clinton as his running mate. I really like Biden, and have lots of respect for him, but lets face it, a vice-President doesn't amount to a whole lot. Doesn't do very much, or get much done, as regards anything major. Aside from making public speaking appearances in lieu of No. 1., or maybe state visits, when the Prez can't make it. Granted, Al Gore got some stuff done, like for the environment. And Bush 1 also, but lots of devious covert type stuff...like Cheney.
In that respect, I would have preferred Hillary, because I feel she would have used her vast experience to get some real things done...or heck just because she is more attractive.I feel Biden is just gonna do a lot of sitting on the sidelines, in a back seat, and without much press...
more soon...

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